How To ………

2014-01-13 10.18.18

I think it might be helpful to start to add the odd ‘how to’ post here on the blog so I can direct your queries here if you need a little help trying to do something.

The posts are likely to be photo heavy and I will try to ensure I cover everything I can based on questions I’ve been asked in the shop.

If there are any specific knitting topics you’d like covered let me know?

Happy Knitting!

2014-01-13 10.16.38

How to use Clover Pompom Makers

2015-04-13 11.33.22

Add a project to Ravelry

Screenshot 2015-05-19 09.06.09

Group your Ravelry favourites into bundles


Make a yarn mini Advent Calendar 

Make a handwoven bird’s nest

4 thoughts on “How To ………

    • Hi Sue
      If you stretch the yarn from top to bottom you can see it’s like a woolly net. You have to work into this net to make the scarf.
      First things first, tie a little knot in the beginning of the yarn to prevent it fraying.
      Push your needle through the net towards the top, right through, this is your first stitch. ring your needle over the yarn to the front again and leaving about an inch push the needle through the net again, remembering to work towards the top of the yarn. Repeat once more until you have 3 stitches (think that’s what the pattern recommends).
      To knit these stitches push your right hand needle into your stitch on your left hand needle and instead of wrapping your yarn around like you would do normally leave about an inch and ‘catch’ the net with the point of the needle and pull it through your stitch as normal.
      Continue to work rows back and forth until you’ve used all of your yarn or until your scarf is as long as you want.
      If it helps you’re basically splitting your yarn like most of us did by accident when we first learnt to knit.

      If you’re local pop in and I’ll show you.

  1. Hi Lora, hope this is the right place to contact you, just wondering do you knit baby cardigans, im due in December and can’t find cardigans anywhere that are neutral and nice, I would be looking for 3 mabey cream, lemon or a light yellow and another colour if you had any ideas?? Thanks.

    • Hi Vicky, I’ll reply to you via the message box on Facebook if that’s OK as I’m hoping to be able to send you on a phone number of a lady that might have some cardis made 🙂

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